Over the years I have been involved with planing, developing and leading small groups in churches. Close connections are supposed to be part of the local church, sadly this is missing from many congregations. Small groups were developed to create that intimate bond of fellowship.
One of the most important aspects of leading a small group is to have a covenant. This is basically a set of ground rules that everyone operates by. The covenant spells out the purpose of the group, establishes rules for safety, and is a platform that pulls everyone together.
Below is a covenant that I have used in the past. I want to share it as an example that may help others develop their own. If you have any questions just give a comment.
Group Covenant
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
It is the supreme desire of this home group to seek out the Lord for who He is, recognizing that the fruit of a joy-filled life, compassionate fellowship, dynamic growth and loving outreach all come from daring to draw near to Christ, and abiding in His presence.
believe that Jesus called His disciples into warm friendship with Himself and
one another. We are more than a church group, but a band of friends being open
to all who choose to fellowship with us.
We will meet together to share and discuss God’s word, always setting aside time to pray for our growth in Christ and each others needs.
Sharing of the scriptures will bring differing points of view. In the spirit of Christian love we will be respectful of all opinions, our goal to build each other up in Christ.
gatherings, over meals, on long walks or supporting each other in daily life
are just as important to us as formal meetings. As a group we may engage in
activities that are not normally related to our regular meetings.
Friends support and uphold one-another in an atmosphere of confidentiality. What is shared in the home group stays there.
can hurt and disappoint each other. We will therefore be committed to an
attitude of biblical love for one another and reconciliation.
hearts rejoice in the great commission. As a group we seek the Lord in presenting
the Gospel of Christ to friends, neighbors, and foreign lands, in whatever way
He may lead.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
good verse
Posted by: nancy | July 02, 2008 at 09:21 AM